Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the thought that the balance of Qi (pronounced "chee") which is believed to flow throughout the body. Qi can regulate a person's spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical balance and to be influenced by the opposing forces of yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy). TCM practices offered at Elements are herbal,nutritional therapy, and acupuncture.
The practitioner will assess a patients health by feeling pulses, observing color and form of the face, tongue and body. This information is then interpreted and considered along with the patients complaints, personal habits, family health history and emotional status.
The goal of treatment in TCM and acupuncture is to adjust and harmonize Yin and Yan, body and mind. Congested channels are opened, excess is dispersed, tightness is softened, agitation is calmed, heat is cooled, cold is warmed - balance is restored.
How Acupuncture Feels
Insertion of slender needles often go unnoticed by some, to others it may feel like a small pinch followed by a sensation of ache, travelling warmth or heaviness. Needles will remain in place for twenty to forty minutes. Some notice a relief of symptoms and feel more energized in the days following treatment
Herbal Treatments
Herbals medicine offers a powerful method of healing. Chinese herbs treat the underlying condition as defined by traditional diagnosis, and rarely cause unwanted side-effects. Herbs, more like foods than drugs can supplement our diet and fortify our constitution as well as prevent or remedy ailments.
The Five Elements
Fire is passion and likes to burn brightly, is intuitive and compassionate. Likes to sparkle, but can burnout with prolonged strenuous activity
Earth is stable and serene, warm and accepting. Likes to have peace and harmony surrounding them.
Metal is precision and perfection and believes in virtue and structure. Likes quality not quantity.
Water is adaptable and free-flowing and is private and self-absorbed. Likes to stay anonymous and is intrigued by detail.
Wood is action and seeks adventure and is aggressive and ambitious but needs control of any situation. Likes to be first and best, is determined and can be impatient.