Acupuncture has been endorsed by the Mayo Clinic since 1997 and recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) for: Infections like colds and flus, bronchitis, hepatitis, asthma. Internal issues like high blood pressure, ulcers, colitis, indigestion, constipation, and diabetes. Eyes, ears nose and throat issues like deafness, sinus infection, sore throat, dizziness, hay fever and poor eyesight. Dermatological issues like eczema, and acne. Musculo-Skeletal and neurological issues like arthritis, sciatica, back pain, tendonitis, Bell's Palsy, headaches, stroke, and sprains. Genito-Urinary and reproductive issues like infertility, PMS, menopausal symptoms, irregular periods, and impotence. Mental-Emotional issues like anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, and chronic pain.